Kid Kamp 2023
We are excited to announce that Kid Kamp 2024 will be Aug 19-23 from 9:00am -12:30pm for children going into Kindergarden to Gr 6.
The snack scedule is as follows:
Monday = pigs in a blanket & oranges
Tuesday = a muffin, cheese string & veggies
Wednesday = pizza buns & yogurt
Thursday = grilled cheese & jello
Friday = chicken nuggets & rice krispie squares
If you know your kiddo will not be able to eat a certain snack, feel free to send a snack (in a labeled bag/container) for your kiddo that day. Our registration team will ensure it gets to the kitchen team and they'll make sure your little gets it at snack time.
Tuesday at Kid Kamp is Bring a Friend Day. Please fill out a guest registration form for each friend joining us for the day.
Cost for Kid Kamp is:
Family of 4 or more (same household) = $175
Each year we take donations of things that our community is in need of. We've collected toilet paper, socks & underwear, non-perishable food items and so much more. This year we are collecting nut free Back to School Snacks. These will nbe distributed by the Gibbons Family Resource Center to families most in need in our communities.
Kelly & Monique
See our Kid Kamp Facebook Page